Category: Inspirational

Fourth Quarter

Last quarter of the year is here. What are you doing to prepare and finish the year with a bang? How has the last 9 months of the year prepared you for this point? Has it been difficult to get on track? Or are… Continue Reading “Fourth Quarter”

Message of the Day

Your story may need to be told in order to help someone in need. Everyone need to know that they are not alone with the struggles they may face within their walks of life. Someone somewhere has a story similar to yours just variance… Continue Reading “Message of the Day”

Message of the Day

Even when you’re passionate about your craft it’s easy to lose sight of the task at hand. Stuck between continuously improving and perfecting your craft , yet life gets in the way and throws you off track. When life happens that doesn’t mean you… Continue Reading “Message of the Day”

The First Step

Sometimes it’s hard to take the step that will take us to the next level in our lives. Majority of the time it’s driven by fear or the comfortability that causes us to be resistant to change. Despite the cause, it is mandatory to… Continue Reading “The First Step”

Message of the Day

What you put out into the universe sets the tone for your entire life. The thoughts you have revolves around your every move. If you train yourself to believe you’re incapable then guess what? You are. If you speak positive affirmations over your life… Continue Reading “Message of the Day”

Message of the Day 8/18

Life comes at you fast and we never know when something will have a everlasting affect or if when it will all abruptly come to an end. Some of us operate as if we have all the time in the world but unfortunately that… Continue Reading “Message of the Day 8/18”

Message of the Day 3/21

You ever wonder why certain people find it hard to be genuine in showing love and support? It’s because everything is a comparison and or competition. If you’ve been working hard, taking chances and trying to get to a place with stability in your… Continue Reading “Message of the Day 3/21”

I Can and I Will…

The biggest push and setback we experience as individuals is the ability to believe in our capabilities and self motivation from within to get to where you want to be. It takes a lot of courage to inspire and believe in yourself throughout it… Continue Reading “I Can and I Will…”

Message of the Day

One of the hardest things about life is realizing and understanding when it’s time to move on. Sometimes our actions or even the actions of another lingers in our mind just a little too long. The thoughts we occupy in our brains turns into… Continue Reading “Message of the Day”

What’s Your Excuse?

We all have things that are more than capable of hindering our will, desire and determination to make things happen; I get it. Majority of the time we force ourselves into believing we simply can not make the time to do the simple things.… Continue Reading “What’s Your Excuse?”