Everyone wants to be loved but at what cost? This post is for my ladies who give so much but receive so little in return at times. The purpose is to respect and be aware of your own self worth. Just to make a clear indication, this message will not apply to everyone.

Yes, I get it no one is perfect but that does not mean we have to accept degrading or harmful behavior. At some point in life we are all deserving of second chances but what happens when those second chances become repetitive? When it comes to men they will only put you through what you allow them to put you through. There will come a time when a person will run out of second chances. Your value and self respect should be your top priorities at all times. Never plead with someone to respect or value you. That’s a personal choice on their behalf.

Most importantly stop ignoring the obvious signs in hopes that things will improve. If you see potential, remember to take it for what it’s worth and not be misguided by it. You should never be in a situation where the weight of the world is on your shoulders alone with a significant other around.

Stay true to your standards and all that you stand for. Loving yourself enough to walk away from any relationship that no longer means you well is okay. I understand it becomes difficult when history is involved but there isn’t any reason you should accept less than what you deserve. Take time to heal and rebuild if needed. It’s imperative to love yourself more than you love the idea of being in a relationship.

8 Comments on “LADIES!!!

  1. Thank you for writing this, there are so many women out there that would benefit from this. Including myself.


  2. Thank you for sharing this. This is such an important post with so many essential messages for women everywhere! 🙂


  3. I love this! I’m beautiful and I’m worth it. 😊


  4. Wise words, indeed. As Shakespeare said, “This above all: to thine own self be true…” and you will be led to your highest good.
